What Are The Most Important Qualities For A Goalkeeper?

As the last line of defense for any soccer team, it is essential for a goalkeeper to possess certain qualities that make them an indispensable part of any team. From agility and a strong sense of positioning to quick reflexes and mental fortitude, the best goalkeepers use a combination of physical and mental qualities to make themselves irreplaceable on the pitch. In this blog article, we will discuss essential attributes for a goalkeeper and how they can be used to make them a more effective player.

Mental Strengths of a Goalkeeper

Goalkeeping is one of the most challenging positions on the field regarding mental strength. Though they are not involved in all the plays happening on the field, they have to be watching in case there is a quick counterattack. Not only do they have to stay focused on the game throughout the 90 minutes, but they also have to maintain their confidence and composure even when things are going wrong, which happens often.

When you are the last line of defense, maintaining focus is super important. Focusing doesn’t mean just watching the game and standing in one place. To remain focused, keepers must move with the ball and constantly readjust to allow their team to switch the point of attack. This will also enable goalkeepers to anticipate the attack, which is required no matter the opponent and the score. Even if you are up 14-0, you must stay engaged because nothing is worse than getting a goal conceded against an easy opponent.

Another critical strength that is extremely important when it comes to goalkeeping is confidence. Confidence can make or break a keeper. If you aren’t confident in your decisions, it makes you second-guess everything. Soccer is a game of seconds. If you question your decision for even a second, it could cause a goal. To be confident, you need to trust your knowledge of the game and know you can make the required saves. The more games you play and watch, your knowledge and understanding of the game will increase.

Finally, you must be composed no matter what happens in a game. Even if you constantly make mistakes throughout the game, you still have the chance to make a difference. Even if the crowd is doubting your ability, you must control yourself and “flush” all the mistakes out of your memory. As one of the leaders on the field, your team is looking to you for direction. If you are letting things get to your head, your team will let things get to their heads. If you feel flustered, practice techniques that will help you calm down. I visualize flushing my mistake down the toilet and even making the motion with my hand. But in the end, it is up to you to decide what will help you the most!

Physical Attributes of a Goalkeeper

When researching what attributes are desirable when it comes to playing keeper, they will say you must be tall to succeed on all the websites. Even though being tall with long arms and long legs is super helpful, it is unnecessary. When you are a short keeper, it just means you have to focus on things taller keepers don’t have to, such as footwork and how high you can jump (your vertical). As a 5’6” keeper, I am considered short, which means I have to work harder to make the saves taller keepers are making, but I’m still able to do my job successfully. Another aspect that will help you make saves is being agile and flexible, which enables you to react to shots.

In addition to these physical attributes, keepers need to be brave. Playing keeper can place you in some scary situations. There will be times when forwards are running at you at full speed, and you’ll have to come out and strip them of the ball. To be successful in this situation, you have to be brave. If you are hesitant to come out and go to the ground, it increases your chances of getting hurt. The bolder you are, the more interesting the game will be, and the more fun you will have!

Communication As A Goalkeeper

One of the essential qualities of a goalkeeper is the ability to communicate effectively with their teammates. A good goalkeeper must be an excellent communicator for their team to succeed. The goalkeeper must communicate direct instructions to the other players on the field, using their names to get their attention and giving short bits of instruction as well as giving their teammates the confidence they need to execute the plays required to make the keeper’s job easier. 

Good communication is also necessary when it comes to making saves. The goalkeeper should be able to give accurate instructions to their defense to help them make stops and prevent goals. By telling your defender what direction to force the attacker, you can position yourself to block more of the goal. A good goalkeeper should also be able to read the play and anticipate what the opponents will do; that way, you aren’t just guessing when the ball is being kicked. This requires substantial knowledge of soccer and using your communication and forward thinking to determine what you need to do to make the save. 

Good communication is also crucial for handling the pressure of being a goalkeeper. It’s not enough to just be good with your feet; you also have to be able to make the right choices in tight situations. You are the only person who can see the whole field, so the rest of your team is relying on you to give them a good ball and direct them to put the ball in the least dangerous position possible. A goalkeeper who can keep their cool under pressure and make the right decisions is a valuable asset to any team.

Finally, communication is vital for ensuring that everyone on the field works together towards the same goal. A good goalkeeper should be able to motivate their teammates and get the most out of them during training and games. They should also be willing to take on a leadership role during matches and provide their teammates with the support and guidance they need.

Training And Development Of Goalkeeping Skills

Training and development are key to helping a goalkeeper reach their full potential. Every goalkeeper must consistently work and refine their technique throughout their entire career to ensure they maintain the highest level of performance. There are a few key elements of goalkeeping that a keeper should aim to develop.

The first important skill to develop is agility and quickness. Goalkeepers must be able to think quickly and react quickly to make the necessary save. It is essential to anticipate the ball’s trajectory and move quickly to stop it. Working on plyometrics such as jumping and skipping and working on your flexibility will enhance your game.

The second important skill to develop is anticipation. Goalkeepers must be able to read the game and anticipate what will happen next. They must predict where the ball will go and get their body into the best position to stop it. Goalkeepers can develop these skills through drills and exercises that involve predicting and reacting to different scenarios and getting game time under their belt. Without this skill set, it makes your job as a keeper so much more complex. 

The third vital skill to develop is communication. Good communication and organization are essential for any goalkeeper. A goalkeeper must be able to direct their teammates, providing them with the necessary information, in short, distinct sentences, about the game and potential threats. They must be able to communicate with their defenders and goalkeeper coach, and other coaching staff when problems arise to ensure all parts of the game are working together accordingly.

The fourth important skill to develop is shot-stopping. Stopping shots and saving goals is an obvious requirement for any goalkeeper. A goalkeeper must improve their positioning, reflexes, reaction time, and overall technique to save the shots they need to save. The best goalkeepers are able to adjust their technique to each situation and use their bodies to save shots in whatever way necessary.

As you can see, the mental aspect of goalkeeping is equally as important as the physical one. It will help you apply what you are learning in practice and training, making you incredibly successful. You will also be able to be focused and composed and be a significant asset to your team. Doing this throughout the whole game gives you the biggest chance of success at your job! Goalkeepers should have a good physical frame, agility, reflexes, strong mental resilience, and focus. These attributes will help goalkeepers perform at their best and have the best chance of making saves and keeping the team’s goal secure.

How should a soccer goalkeeper position themselves during free kicks?

How should a soccer goalkeeper position themselves during free kicks?

Where a keeper should position themselves depends on where the free kick is coming from. If it’s far away, the defenders should be instructed to hold a line to prevent attackers from getting too close to the goal. If it’s close enough for a shot on goal, the goalkeeper should focus first on preventing a goal, and second on organizing their defense. If a wall is necessary, don’t move to organize it until you are sure a quick shot isn’t coming.

How Can a Goalkeeper Prepare Mentally to Play Well in a Game?

How Can a Goalkeeper Prepare Mentally to Play Well in a Game?

Preparation is key for any athlete, no matter the sport. Mental preparation is as important as physical preparation when it comes to sports, especially soccer. The position of goalkeeper is one of the most crucial roles in the game and requires a special set of skills and a different mindset. In this blog article, we will explore the mental preparations a soccer goalkeeper can do to ensure that they play to the best of their abilities. We'll explore techniques such as visualizing success, controlling emotions, and using positive affirmations. By implementing these practices, a goalkeeper can sharpen their mind and begin playing at a new level mentally.

What Will My Athlete Learn at Goalie Training with TIP Goalkeeping?

Goalkeepers are in a unique position compared to all other players on a soccer team. They are the last line of defense and the ones who are ultimately responsible to stop opponents from scoring. With the right training, any goalkeeper can develop the skills needed to be successful. In this blog article, I’ll explain what you can expect when you train with TIP Goalkeeping.

In general, each session with TIP will include three segments: Activation, technical, and tactical. But specifically, what can your athlete expect to experience at goalie training with TIP Goalkeeping? Read on to find out!

Introduction To Goalkeeper Training

For goalkeepers of all ages, on-field, position specific training is an invaluable part of their development and success. During a goalie training session, athletes will refine their skills in several general athletic areas, including balance, movement, and explosiveness. They will also be given technical and tactical instruction specific to the position, including topics like set position, catching, diving, and distributing with hands and feet. By the end, they will be able to use their technical and tactical knowledge to succeed in drills that involve lots of variables at game-realistic speeds.

Activation Movements and Warm-Up

When beginning, the focus is on warming up the body, getting loose and comfortable, and performing specific movements to activate muscle groups that will be used later in the session. In this portion, the coach also takes time to get to know the keeper. Taking this time to develop trust allows the coach to know how to help the athlete feel successful and move toward their goals by understanding the athlete’s successes, failures, and motives. As the keeper progresses through the movements, the coach will give feedback and instruction to the athlete to ensure they are getting activated so they are prepared to be successful later in the session.

We begin with activation because each training session will be partially geared toward what it means to be an athlete. Athletes are powerful, controlled, agile, and explosive. To encourage this development, each goalie training session includes some focus on speed, footwork, and power. These physical capabilities will allow the keeper to put their technical knowledge into practice. What good is it to know how to dive if your legs aren’t powerful enough to get you to the ball? Or how to catch if your hands and arms give way when the shot is too hard? Being physically strong is just one aspect of the session though. A keeper will need technical skills, tactical insight, and physical power to perform their job well.

As a side note, did you know that those three things form the pillars of TIP Goalkeeping? TIP stands for Technique, Insight, and Power.

Technical Skills Development - “What and How”

At goalie training, athletes will benefit from technical skills development in all aspects of their game. Technique includes any specific movement that a keeper will be asked to execute: movement, catching, diving, distribution. The technical portion of a session focuses on the “what and how” of goalkeeping.

Proper footwork and stance are essential for all goalies. Good footwork (which includes getting to a good position quickly), having good balance, and being able to move effectively and efficiently, allows goalies to play at their best. In every session we focus on movement, balance, and readiness so that the importance of proper body structure and a balanced set position becomes second-nature to our athletes.

Another key technical component of the position is how and when to use hands and arms to make a save. As early in the session as possible, the ball is introduced so keepers get as many touches with hands and feet as possible. Depending on the type and focus of the session, by the end of training our keepers have caught or parried a ball with their hands many dozens of times. TIP’s philosophy is that the more touches a keeper gets, the more comfortable they become with catching and parrying techniques.

Finally, distribution is another consistent theme of our technical portion of training. Once a keeper has the ball in their control, whether in their hands or at their feet, they have to be able to get it out to their team to initiate the attack. We cover distribution with hands, like rolls and throws, and distribution with feet, like first touch and passing, goal kicks, and punts. We want our keepers to keep a mindset of “last line of defense, first line of attack”, and so getting the ball back to their teammates is a crucial skill to cover in training.

Tactical Decisions And Game Realistic Scenarios - “When and Why”

At the end of each training session, the focus turns to interpreting game-realistic scenarios and applying technical knowledge. This is a time to apply skills learned and understand the “why” of each decision based on the situation. During this portion of the session, the athlete and coach will look at game scenarios to assess the decisions the goalie is making and how those decisions might affect the outcome of the game. The coach will provide feedback and advice to the athlete to ensure their decision-making is effective and in line with the technical skills that were worked on earlier in the session.

We place special focus on running through situations that keepers struggle with in games. This means they’ll practice using the same shots, intensity, and opponent movements they would face in an actual game. In everything we do, we cater our session to the needs of the goalkeeper, and that’s most important in the final segment. 

When our keepers leave the practice field, we want them to feel equipped with solutions to problems that they will face in their next game. By discussing these things with the athlete and also with their parents, we can create situations that give them the most payoff for their effort, and that will translate directly to game success.

The drills the coach will create to address their specific needs will not only help them learn how to respond to shots from the opposing team, but also to know when to attack the ball and when to hold their position. Goalie training allows athletes to practice reading the field, so they can anticipate the opposition’s next move. This is a critical skill that will allow them to communicate to their teammates, and prevent opportunities on goal before they ever happen.

Overview Of Training Sessions And Outcomes - Why Train with TIP Goalkeeping?

When training with TIP Goalkeeping, athletes can expect thoughtful session planning, consistent and encouraging feedback, and coaches who train with a growth mindset who have serious experience as players and coaches. Each training sessions typically focus on the following areas: 

1. Activation and Warm Up: Athletes will learn the mechanics of the various movements they need to make while goalkeeping. This will be a time to clear their heads and prepare their bodies for the rest of the session.

2. Technical Skills - the “What and How”: Athletes will improve 2-3 specific technical movements that they’ll need to execute in a game to be successful. This can include footwork, catching, diving, distribution; really any skill that they need to develop. This is the time for the athlete to learn the “what and how” of each movement.

3. Tactical Decisions and Game-Realistic Scenarios - the “When and Why”: To finish up each session, TIP coaches devise scenarios that the goalkeeper might face in a game to help them apply the skills and knowledge they’ve learned so far. This segment is all about understand when and why to implement certain skills or make certain decisions.

At TIP Goalkeeping, providing an excellent training experience is our specialty. We’ve trained hundreds of goalkeepers, and without fail they leave our sessions with increased knowledge and confidence. If you’d like to train with TIP Goalkeeping, check our website for sessions that are currently available. If you don’t see something that fits your needs, please email us at tipgoalkeeping@gmail.com. Let’s get it!

Making an Impression at Tryouts

Making an Impression at Tryouts


Cole Palmer, a former standout goalkeeper, shares some insights on how to leave a lasting impression at tryouts. Read on to pick up some knowledge about what you can do to separate yourself from the pack and show the coaching staff what you have to offer. Big thanks to Cole for sharing his expertise.

How to Save Penalty Kicks - Don't Guess: Analyze

How to Save Penalty Kicks - Don't Guess: Analyze


Read on for a methodical, analysis based strategy for turning away penalty kicks. Dig in to the content, apply what you learn, and practice will make you a pk stopping beast.